City Clerk

City Clerk

3338 Coolidge Hwy

The City Clerk’s Office serves as the official record keeper for City Council, attends all council meetings, and is the custodian of all legal documents and records about the city’s department operations.

The Clerk conducts all elections according to state and federal laws and maintains Berkley’s qualified voter files. In line with the elections process, the Clerk procures and maintains the required election equipment to meet the needs of Berkley voters and serves as the City’s Freedom of Information Act Coordinator.

All ordinances, council meeting minutes, and records for board and commission appointments are maintained by the City Clerk’s Office.



Deputy City Clerk

Clerk Contact Info 

3338 Coolidge Hwy. 

Berkley, MI 48072

248.658.3310 phone 

248.658.3310 fax 

Office Hours

M-F 8:30am-5pm 

Closed from 1-2pm every day

City Clerk's Office

City Code of Ordinances

Berkley’s Code of Ordinances and City Charter are accessible online through the Municipal Code website.


Please explore the dropdown tabs below, where you will find FAQs regarding information and services from the City Clerk’s Office. 

For additional questions, not covered on this page, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 248.658.3310.

How do I Obtain an Animal License?

All dogs and cats must be licensed beginning at 4 months of age. Pet owners must provide a current rabies vaccination certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian. A late fee does not apply to new residents or new pets if the license is obtained within 30 days of moving into the City or adoption of a pet. 

One, two, or three-year licenses are available and may not be issued beyond the expiration of the rabies vaccination.

Additionally, residents are not permitted to have more than three dogs or cats within the City.

Want your animal license mailed to you?
Please send a self-addressed stamped envelope if applying for a license by mail.


License Fees

  Spayed/Neutered  Not Spayed/Neutered 
One Year License $8.00 $16.00
Two Year License  $16.00 $24.00
Three Year License $24.00 $32.00
Does the City Perform Marriages?

The Mayor of Berkley performs marriage ceremonies based on his/her availability. A marriage license is required by state law and the license is issued by the county clerk from the county in which either one of the parties reside. Please contact the Clerk’s Office at 248.658.3310 for more information or to schedule a ceremony. 

How do I Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request

Visit our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), where you will find a FOIA form. Complete the form and either email it to or deliver it in person to the Clerk's Office at 3338 Coolidge Hwy., Berkley, MI 48072.

How do I apply for a Garage/ Yard Sale Permit?

A permit is required to hold a garage sale in the City of Berkley. Permits are FREE but needed for the Clerk's Office records. Additional questions? Email or call 248-658-3310.